We all remember #GiveDivasAChance, a time in WWE where they believed the women’s division began and ended with AJ Lee. With excellent new talent down in NXT, the Divas Revolution was born, matches were extended and history after history for what women did came and for a brief moment, WWE realised women could wrestle. Until it seems like it’s been forgotten again.
I don’t know if there’s some company wide amnesia but what’s going on now is absolute bullshit. Women’s matches are once again embarrassingly short and we’re left with the same women used over and over again. The Women’s Tag Titles are hardly mentioned unless it’s a backstage segment that stretches out a storyline that and women like Dana Brooke who has worked her arse off to improve is left in the sidelines.
It seems like now there’s no more historical moments for the women to do, WWE have gone back to not caring. It’s fucking ridiculous! The women’s division is fucking amazing, there’s a whole army of women in NXT that will blow the roster apart with talent, and what are we stuck with? Matches on the main roster that I’ve honestly puked longer than. Something needs to change and fast, because this is beyond ridiculous.
Once again, my want for the women to have their own division is deeper than ever before, it’s clear now that it’s needed and badly. With SmackDown likely moving back to Friday when it goes to FOX in October, there’s a whole fucking night WWE can utilise and remember that they actually have a women’s division.
Honestly, I have to wonder at this point WWE are equipped to have a women’s division. Since the ’90’s, WWE the women’s division has been swung around so much more than its needed to be. There’s no excuse for what WWE is pulling especially when so many other promotions across the world are doing so much better.
WWE need to sort their shit out.